Improving your customer experience to increase retention and case acceptance
Q: How do I produce more, since I am paid on production* (collections)?
A: By putting your efforts into case acceptance of major treatment! This does not mean over-diagnosis of unnecessary work. It's the opposite... It’s having your patients to say YES to the dentistry they NEED. It is a doctor's responsibility to have the clinical skills to back up their word. Don't leave it to your staff to close cases. Their job is to have contracts signed and assist you. It's your job to sell treatment, and that comes with communication during the exam. Nothing more. You build your reputation on the experience and work you provide your patients. If you do great work, your patient will be a walking advertisement for you. If you do bad work, and they have a bad experience, well... they will also be a walking advertisement, but in a negative way. Everything comes back!
The customer experience is the focus of this course. We are taught to fix teeth, but we are not taught customer service. In reality you are providing a service, and service based industries thrive on the provided experience.
This experience is curated in a multifaceted fashion. From the words you say and the way you act, to the physical time spent in the chair & the experience with each staff member--it all must flow. This doesn't mean having the best technology will provide you with the best patients. It means providing the patients with the best experience, and in turn winning their families and friends over. Then, repeat.