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Doctors: Increase Communication Skills to Increase Production
Takeaways from this course.
How to build a reputation to become the go-to provider for your area.
Improving internal operations for practice growth. (2:47)
Improving your customer experience to increase retention and case acceptance
How I can help you succeed in business as a healthcare provider.
Patient reviews over 5 years...
Investment in this course provides you insider knowledge to succeed.
Ramping up production will increase net profits
Healthcare workers are selling an EXPERIENCE.
You are selling an experience, not just a product or service. (4:22)
You are what you think. (1:29)
Understanding energy, language, and intention. (7:17)
Developing your team to increase your success. (10:37)
Invest in your team to see multifaceted returns.
Reversing the negative connotations of the healthcare field.
Why people hate the dentist. (6:31)
Break the cycle of phobia to create a loyal patient base.
Increase patient retention & case acceptance through the Patient Experience
Who really IS the Patient in the Chair? (3:20)
Take the time to know the patient's history (2:46)
I started a 15k treatment plan the first time I met someone because... (3:28)
The Gift of Second Opinion (2:10)
Don't Shop with Your Wallet (5:25)
Your Patient is Pissed. What do you do? (4:03)
Get out your notebook, let's review (2:06)
Building a reputation to become the go-to provider
Show Up as Your Best Self to Improve Your Profits (4:26)
The 80/20 Principle: Reduce Stress, Increase Revenue (5:34)
Provider Legacy. What will you be known for? (2:23)
Do you recommend tx and walk away? Or do you work with your patient to come to an agreement.
Utilizing patient health and psychology to increase trust and conversion
Periodontal disease is linked to systemic health. (2:46)
Case Study: Overcoming a language barrier. (9:59)
The Mercedes-Cadillac-Honda Analogy and Planting Seeds (10:30)
Ingestion of oral bacteria. (1:49)
Post-surgical/procedure check ins.
The dental caries cycle.
Organically growing your practice through customer incentives
A patient referral is the best compliment someone can give.
External marketing: pros & cons (4:53)
Patients don't care about how much you know, unless they know how much you care.
Improving internal operations through the customer journey & trust
Patient Exam Template
DENTISTS: treatment planning tips for success
Seek not to overwhelm. (1:20)
Get out of the "dental school" mindset
Importance of SRP as a primary foundation (7:02)
Introducing Invisalign as a secondary foundation (3:45)
Downloadable Workbook! The Ultimate Guide to success
Introducing Invisalign as a secondary foundation
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